Se qualcuno rompe un braccio ad un bambino, la polizia accorre ed arresta il colpevole. Il magistrato lo condannerà in conformità alle leggi! Perché, dunque, la struttura emozionale di una persona è considerata meno del suo braccio? Perché il cattolicesimo è riuscito ad imporre alla società civile l'atteggiamento secondo cui: chi non si può difendere non ha il diritto di reclamare giustizia!

Ci sono voluti trent'anni perché cambiasse l'atteggiamento dei magistrati nei confronti delle vittime per stupro. La struttura giuridica nel frattempo è cambiata. Quello che non è cambiato è la superficialità di una società civile che, educata a fermarsi alle apparenze, non è in grado di comprendere i danni che si arrecano al futuro sociale quando si disprezzano le leggi nei confronti di chi non si può difendere.

Noi, come Pagani Politeisti, riteniamo che la distruzione del futuro sociale sia il peggiore dei delitti e riteniamo nostro dovere costruire una coscienza civile che porti i Sistemi Sociali a lasciare in eredità ai propri figli un sistema migliore di quello che hanno trovato nascendo.

Il Paganesimo deve essere Libertà degli uomini. Libertà di costruire il proprio futuro senza essere stuprati nelle proprie condizioni psichiche. Qui non si tratta di affiancare la polizia nel suo lavoro di indagine e di repressione di un crimine, si tratta di costruire una coscienza civile come imposto dall'articolo 4 comma secondo della Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana. La morale che ci deve condurre nella nostra azione DEVE essere la morale manifestata dalla nostra Costituzione Repubblicana, non la morale del macellaio di Sodoma e Gomorra che con la violenza viene imposta ai bambini.

I fatti elencati sotto sono quanto alcune e-mail hanno riportato nelle liste di discussione dei Pagani Politeisti. Fatti che hanno avuto luogo in questo anno solare, il 2002. Nel 2002 non nel medioevo! Fatti che pesano come macigni nella costruzione del futuro dei nostri figli!

Claudio Simeoni


Apprendista Stregone

Guardiano dell'Anticristo


19/10/2002 - Il Vaticano ha bocciato il piano d'azione dei vescovi USA
contro il dilagare delle accuse di pedofilia nei confronti del clero
statunitense: la Santa Sede ha giudicato troppo dura la decisione di
espellere chiunque avesse commesso un abuso. "La Chiesa - ha detto il
cardinale Castrillon Hoyos- si basa su principi quali il perdono, la
misericordia e la possibilità di conversione dell´uomo". "Ma bisogna tenere
presente - ha replicato monsignor Gregory, presidente della Conferenza
Episcopale statunitense - che il nostro obiettivo non era proteggere i
nostri sacerdoti ma i nostri bambini".

Ora che e' passato il polverone, il Vaticano torna subito sui suoi abituali
propositi: proteggere e coprire i pedofili che porta in seno. Che schifo!


Stato laico? Mica vero...

26/10/2002 - (da La Sicilia) L'amministrazione comunale di Enna ha
presentato ieri l'opuscolo "La vita che è in te" in difesa della vita e
contro l'aborto, realizzato in collaborazione con il Vaticano. Alla
presentazione, oltre agli amministratori, sono intervenuti il vescovo ed il
rappresentante del Movimento per la vita.


Sentite questa (siamo al limite del ridicolo):

27/10/2002 - (da Il Tempo) - Un gruppo di scienziati e teologi cattolici
provenienti dall'estero, nel corso di un convegno organizzato a Roma per
iniziativa del "Centro Kolbe di studi sulla Creazione", hanno dichiarato di
voler avviare un contrattacco cattolico all'evoluzionismo. Secondo il
professor Dominique Tassot, presidente del "Centro francese di Studi e di
Prospettive sulla Scienza" "ciò che la scienza afferma non è la verità
assoluta, a cui si deve piegare anche la religione... per cui è meglio
partire dalla premessa che l'autore della Bibbia è anche autore della
Creazione e quindi il libro della Genesi non può contenere falsità". Il
gruppo ha partecipato giovedì alla messa privata del Papa e ieri ha
incontrato il cardinale Joseph Ratzinger, prefetto della Congregazione per
la Dottrina della Fede.


Ciao a tutti,

venerdì pomeriggio mi e' capitato di seguire sulla Rai un programma
televisivo di commento al tragico terremoto molisano appena accaduto.
Ovviamente fra gli invitati a interloquire vi era una vasta rappresentanza
di suore e religiosi. Durante tutta la prima parte della trasmissione essi
hanno invitato tutti, compresi i parenti stretti delle vittime, a pregare,
pregare, pregare...
Non volevano sentire parlare di eventuali responsabilità dei costruttori
della scuola, per loro questa tragedia era solo un buon motivo per ricordare
ai fedeli l'importanza della fede e quanto può essere d'aiuto il buon dio.

Ad un certo punto una signora del pubblico, irritata per la supponenza dei
religiosi, ha chiesto ad una suora com'era possibile spiegare a una madre
che aveva perso un figlio in quel modo assurdo che dio era buono e
La risposta e' stata per me agghiacciante: "quando moriamo dobbiamo
presentarci di fronte a dio senza fare domande, poiche' lui e solo lui può
conoscere i suoi disegni".

Ecco, secondo me in quella risposta e' bene rappresentata la considerazione
dell'essere umano da parte del cristianesimo.
L'uomo non deve pensare, non deve farsi domande, non deve fare domande, non
deve essere cosciente: deve solo prostrarsi di fronte al volere (anche se
omicida) del dio-padrone. E' solo una pedina di un gioco più grande di lui,
che non deve neanche permettersi di tentare di comprendere.
Di fronte al rapporto con il dio cristiano, l'uomo e' una merda.

Che tristezza!


PS Fra gli ospiti della trasmissione non mancavano i leccaculo dei preti,
tra i quali lo scrittore Bevilaqua, che ha sostenuto la tesi secondo cui
terremoti e calamità naturali rappresentano la ribellione della natura verso
i peccati degli uomini (?!?).


Così i cattolici rispettano chi la pensa diversamente da loro...

All'interno di un decalogo dal titolo "Se l'uomo fosse intelligente!!",
pubblicato su Frate Indovino 2003 (il diffuso calendario edito dai
francescani di Perugia), come primo punto si trova la seguente frase: "Ho
incontrato l'ateo ricco e l'ateo povero: ho voluto dialogare con entrambi,
ma essi non sono riusciti a connettere un discorso logico: puzzavano di vino
e di droga".

Bell'esempio di tracotante ignoranza!



Il sacerdote Marcial Gonzalez, a suo tempo al servizio dell'ex-presidente
della conferenza episcopale e attuale vescovo di Encarnacion, Jorge Livieres
Banks, ha chiesto ieri a quest'ultimo, accusato giorni fa da tre giovani sui
30 anni di avere avuto relazioni sessuali con loro quand'erano minorenni, di
ammettere il "suo errore".



08/11/2002 - È cominciata in Vaticano la XVII Conferenza internazionale
sull'identità delle istituzioni sanitarie cattoliche. Prevista la presenza
del ministro della salute Girolamo Sirchia. Nella presentazione
dell'iniziativa è stato ribadito che "la prevenzione contro l'AIDS si chiama

Con la loro criminale politica sul preservativo stanno condannando a morte
migliaia di Africani. Missionari, restate a casa che è meglio!


Dal Corriere della Sera di oggi (pag.18) Leggete, inorridite e meditate...


Abolita la "tolleranza zero" adottata all'apice dello scandalo che ha
portato alle dimissioni di 325 prelati. Protestano le vittime.

La rimozione di un prete pedofilo potrà avvenire solo dopo una verifica, da
parte di una commissione ecclesiastica, della denuncia. L'inchiesta dovrà
essere CONFIDENZIALE e qualora colpevole, il sacerdote verrà processato da
un tribunale ecclesiatico e NON CIVILE. La sola accusa di pedofilia non
basterà più per cacciare un sacerdote. Questi i punti-cardine del nuovo
pacchetto anti-pedofilia approvate ieri dai vesovi americani nel tentativo
di mettere fine lo scandalo più grave della chiesa cattolica USA (solo USA?
Con 246 voti a favore, 7 contrari e 6 astensioni, i vescovi USA hanno
accolto così tutte le indicazioni del Vaticano, approvando la revisione
della loro precedente politica di tolleranza zero nei confronti dei preti
pedofili. Adottate per arginare la drammatica crisi di fiducia degli oltre
64 milioni di cattolici USA che minacciavano di abbandonare le diocesi, le
misure erano state bocciate dal Vaticano che le aveva giudicate "troppo
severe". (....) Il cardinale Francis George, che ha curato la revisione,
ha commentato soddisfatto: "Le nuove norme mirano a bilanciare la
compassione verso le vittime con quella per i sacerdoti accusati di
Immediata la protesta dei parenti delle vittime degli abusi, che proprio
ieri avevano creato un sito internet con nomi e cognomi dei sacerdoti


Leggete qui...

15/11/2002 - Durante il processo di secondo grado nei confronti del
cardinale Michele Giordano, arcivescovo di Napoli, il sostituto procuratore
generale Modestino Roca ha chiesto nei confronti del porporato la condanna a
otto mesi di reclusione. Il cardinale, assolto in primo grado da accuse
legate all'usura, è ora imputato per il reato di appropriazione indebita:
avrebbe prelevato 600 milioni di lire per sanare la posizione debitoria del


In Africa la criminale politica anti-condom di preti e missionari sta
mandando al macello milioni di persone (compresi i bambini)...
Vorrebbero fare lo stesso in Italia? Leggete...

30/11/2002 - L'opuscolo anti-AIDS, redatto a cura dei ministeri della Sanità
e della Pubblica Istruzione, e che verrà diffuso a breve nelle scuole in un
milione di esemplari, sta scatenando un vero e proprio putiferio. Il testo
conterrebbe concetti quali "L'unico modo per proteggersi davvero dall'AIDS è
non avere rapporti sessuali", invitando i giovani ad attendere castamente il
vero amore. Secondo la LILA (Lega Italiana di lotta all'AIDS), che invita a
ritirare la pubblicazione, i ministri sarebbero "irresponsabili". Secondo
l'Arcigay l'opuscolo "rappresenta una vera e propria restaurazione
clericale". Michele Serra, su Repubblica, ha scritto che "... i due
distratti accenni al preservativo affogano in un mare di moralismo e
sessuofobia, con un impatto sulla realtà affettiva e relazionale degli
adolescenti di oggi che è pari a meno di zero".



Ecco la testimonianza di un giovane stuprato da un prete pedofilo in USA (da
survivorsnetwork, un sito americano dedicato alle vittime degli abusi
sessuali dei sacerdoti cattolici). Questa testimonianza é stata raccolta
durante una conferenza stampa a Boston...
Spero conosciate un pò di inglese...


Why is it, exactly, that after turning over the names of 80 priests, and
suspending active pastors and priests from their assignments because of
sexual abuse issues, the Archdiocese of Boston suddenly found the demand for
the file on Paul Shanley to be an assault on the Church's constitutional
protections? What is in the medical and psychological reports that they so
desperately don't want revealed? Exactly how bad is the filth and corruption
they are trying to hide about Shanley? How extensive? I mean, after all, we
live in a world where we know about the nightmare of sexual predation by
priests, in Louisiana; a world that has already seen James Porter and John
Geoghan. What horrors are left to shock us? As one of Shanley's victims I'll
gladly sit down with you over a cup of tea and enlighten you about the
answer to that question.

Shall I start with the cabin in the Blue Hills?---where he kept me on my
knees all night, servicing him in ways that would make you vomit, if I told
you? And how, when he was finished with me he told me that I could now call
him Paul, I didn't have to say "Father Shanley" anymore? Or should I move
right along to the ruined house in Vermont, where, in a rage, he left me,
without heat or food for an entire day, in the dead of winter, in the middle
of nowhere, to teach me that I must never, ever say No to him when he wanted
to use me sexually? Or shall I just start first with the dreams that still
wake me in sobbing terror and sick to my stomach?

If the Catholic Church in America does not fit the definition of organized
crime, then Americans seriously need to examine their concept of justice.
Bernard Law and Wilson Rogers have behaved throughout this catastrophe with
a deviousness, cunning and lack of good intent, that crossed long ago into
the realm of criminality, however much the ever-elastic niceties of the law
may protect them. But in stooping, now, to defend, by delay and specious
appeals to the court, a walking plague like Paul Shanley, they have lost
forever any right to regard themselves as decent men. They are NOT decent
men. They are merely a pride-filled prelate who lusted so shamelessly after
the Papal tiara that he came to see any form of unbridled and ruthless
appetite as acceptable among the "ordained"; and his equally machiavellian
and and surreptitious adviser, deftly guiding him through the spring-traps
of potential legal disgrace. Bernard Law and Wilson Rogers knew of, and
countenanced, indeed abetted, the ongoing rape and sexual defilement of
children and young men and women, by known sexual predators. There is not a
spark of decency or goodness between the two of them. The stains they have
on their hands now will never come off; neither will the stains on their

I say to them today: you and your Church have taken 34 years of my life from
me, my anguish does not end, ever; like an incubus, Paul Shanley still
haunts my dreams. And you Bernard, My Cardinal, My Prince of the Church, My
Shepherd, My Father in Christ, how long have I hungered at your indifferent
door, for a crumb of compassion, justice or mercy?---or even a crumb of
simple honesty? You are a liar; your own documents condemn you, you are a
criminal, a murderer of children; you degrade the office you hold in the
Church; you are an affront to Jesus Christ; and I call on Almighty God to
bear witness to the foulness and treachery of your behavior, the evil you
have nurtured and condoned, and the minds, hearts and souls you have
destroyed. I call on Almighty God to bear witness for those who could no
longer shoulder the unbearable cross of their crucified innocence and trust,
and took their own lives, because of men like you, the power-brokers of the
Roman Catholic Church.

I name you one by one----Bernard, Cardinal Law, Archbishop of Boston; Wilson
Rogers, Attorney at Law; Paul Shanley, Priest----for the evil you are and
the evil you've done. I accuse you before God and humanity. May you never
prosper from this day on; may all your hopes of peace and happiness wither
and die before your eyes, until you have done right by every victim, living
or dead; may every grief and terror you have unleashed upon the world come
back to each of you a hundred-fold, to torment you until the end of your
lives; and may each of you be very healthy and live long.

And, Bernard Law, today I am the one calling down "by all means" the wrath
of God, on you, to bear witness against the blasphemy you commit every time
you dare to lay hands on the Sacrament; and to bear witness to the lives you
knowingly, calculatingly and, with a lie in your mouth at every turn,
casually allowed to be destroyed.

Lastly, My Prince, Your Eminence, since you seem to have lost him somewhere,
I can tell you where Christ is. He is alive and well and working on Morrisey
Boulevard, as an investigative journalist.

Arthur Austin - April 8, 2002


Dallo stesso sito, la lettera di un genitore di un ragazzo abusato
sessualmente da un prete. In questa lettera questo signore mette in guardia
gli altri genitori dai pericoli dei preti stupratori...
Leggete bene, è terribile!! Dice chiaramente che i preti pedofili di seguito
alle denunce venivano trasferiti in altre diocesi, dove continuavano la loro
criminale azione...

(The following unsolicited letter was sent to us recently. Though the priest
has not been brought to justice, the survivor has made tremendous headway in
recovery lately.)
Many who read this newsletter have probably had the courage to come forward
and discuss a terrible event in their lives, an assault by a priest. It
means that they have told their families, their friends, therapists, and
perhaps even their church. This letter is not to them. It is to the parents
of these survivors.

I have never been sexually assaulted by anyone. I do not know what it is to
have the memories of an assault by someone that I trusted to guide me
morally and spiritually. My child does. He is twenty years old, and told me
about it four years ago, when he was in his sixth in-patient psychiatric
facility. It was the final piece of an unexplained puzzle, the cause of long
standing problems that he had experienced since the assault at age eleven.

What I have learned throughout the four years since can be summed up in a
couple of simple lines:

*    Your child will most likely not have made up the story of his/her
assault. It is too painful a tale.
*    Your child did nothing to deserve being raped. The sexual assault
committed on your child by a priest is rape. Simply rape.
*    That the priest "had a drinking problem" (or other similar remarks)
does not remove his responsibility for the rape. Not morally or legally.
*    Your church (and still mine) will almost invariably protect the man who
raped your child. It will hide behind legalities, you emotions, and delaying
tactics. It will do almost anything to avoid admitting that its priest raped
your child. It will try to discount you. It will seem supportive until you
demand action. It will support the man who raped your child until the end of
his life.
*    It will try to get a "gag order" on you if you agree to a legal
settlement. It does not want you, or anyone else to find out if the man who
raped your child raped someone else's child. Too many legal issues.
*    Cardinal's offices do not help you. Neither do Bishop's offices. I was
discounted, strung along, and ignored by these offices. I went for help. I
got nothing.
*    If you cannot get criminal jurisdiction on the man who raped your
child, the church will probably send him out to another parish where he may
rape again. The man who raped my little boy is in a parish with a school.
Right now. It is normal and acceptable to be furious about what happened to
your child.


La testimonianza del giovane stuprato dai preti pedofili si trova
esattamente a questo indirizzo:

La lettera del padre della vittima a quest'altro:


Claudio ho trovato questo sito americano che mi sembra il migliore inerente
gli abusi sessuali dei preti cattolici! Ricchissimo di documentazione, e'
attivo da 12 anni.
Oltre che di pedofilia si parla anche di frequenti abusi su donne e suore da
parte di preti.
Ho anche trovato un articolo sugli abusi fra i testimoni di Geova:
The Jehovah's Witnesses organization is under growing attack by some of its
members for policies they say can allow child molesters to go unreported,
putting church members and the public at increased risk.

Church officials say elders alert authorities to suspected abuse in states
that require reporting. But in other states they prefer to take steps to
protect children that don't breach what they see as confidential
communication between elders and members.

Church policy also allows some confessed molesters - whose offenses are
usually kept secret - to stay in the church community, sometimes with tragic

An examination by The Courier-Journal of court cases involving church
members in Maine, New Hampshire and Texas showed that the confidential
church disciplinary process was blamed by some victims for allowing
molestation to continue.

Among the cases:

*    In Maine, a teen-age boy was molested between 1989 and 1992 by a church
member after church elders disciplined the offender secretly for molesting
another boy. Elders did not report the first case to authorities, and the
law did not require them to. The second victim told a therapist, who
notified authorities.
*    In New Hampshire, a former church member said elders failed to act when
she told them her husband was physically abusing their children. The man
received a 56-year prison sentence in October 2000 for sexual abuse that
continued years after the woman went to elders. New Hampshire law required
clergy to report suspicions of abuse.
*    In Texas, a prosecutor said church elders told a teen-age boy to stop
molesting his younger sister in 1992 but failed to report it to police in
apparent violation of state law. The boy later molested a second sister and
in 1997 was sentenced to a 40-year prison term. Police were alerted when one
victim reported the abuse to hospital staff following a suicide attempt.

Church policy also allows molesters who are deemed repentant to continue
evangelizing door to door - accompanied by another member - bringing them
into contact with unsuspecting households that don't have the church's
knowledge that a child molester is at their door.

The church's policies on sexual abuse have come under scrutiny following the
resignation of a Western Kentucky church elder who objected to them.

The court cases have played out against the backdrop of a growing national
consensus that all suspected child abuse must be reported and known
molesters aggressively identified. A lawyer for the Jehovah's Witnesses
church, which has nearly 1 million members nationally and 6 million
worldwide, said it complies with those state laws that require church elders
to report abuse.

"If there is a law that mandates reporting, that takes precedent over any
confidentiality, whether in church policy or statute," said Mario Moreno,
associate general counsel for the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, a
legal corporation of the church.

"I refuse to support a pedophile refuge mentality." William H. Bowen in his
letter resigning his church leadership post in Draffenville, Ky. "In states
where there is no reporting requirement, it's a different scenario," Moreno

Elders might have the victim relocated away from the abuser or have the
parent or guardian of the victim, or even the accused person, report the
abuse to police, he said.

"The laws of this country, as well as people's moral values, tell you there
are some things that should be kept private. That's why laws protect
confidential communications between clergy and their flock."

But Moreno said elders who contact the church's legal department with cases
of suspected sexual abuse - as they must do - are often advised to refer
victims to police or other outside help, even if the law doesn't require it.

Victims and their parents are free, Moreno said, to seek help from police or
therapists and should not blame the church if they choose not to do so.

"Parents are encouraged to do whatever they need to do to protect their
child," said Moreno.

However, some abuse victims and their advocates, in lawsuits and in
interviews, said that fear of reprisals by church leaders, coupled with the
importance of the church in their lives, made them reluctant to report abuse
outside the church.

William H. Bowen resigned Dec. 31 as presiding overseer (chief elder) of the
Draffenville congregation near Paducah, saying he could no longer support
church policies that he felt allowed child molesters to go undetected.

"I refuse to support a pedophile refuge mentality that is promoted among
bodies of elders around the world," wrote Bowen in his letter of

"Criminals should be ousted, identified and punished to protect the innocent
and give closure to the victim."

Elders Approached

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Dedicato a chi ancora sostiene che i preti pedofili sono una piccola
minoranza... Ecco un parziale elenco dei preti americani indagati per abusi
sessuali, pubblicato su internet:

Last Name    First Name    Pt    Status    Notes    Diocese    City    State
Source    Double Check
Abruzzese    Joseph    1    con    convicted of abuse and explosure
Providence, RI     North Providence    RI    Public Records C.A. No.
Ahearn    Thomas K.    1    con    convicted; contributing to delinquency of
minor    Bridgeport, CT    Bridgeport    CT    Boston Globe 3 10 94
Alonso    Jose     1    con    convicted, 5 yr. Sentence    Paterson, NJ
Paterson    NJ    NY Times 4.15.02
Anderson    Andrew    1    con    convicted assult and kidnapping
Huntington    CA    Orange County Register 12.30.90     
Arimond    James L.    1    con    convicted in 1990. Abuse boy 15
Milwaukee    Racine    WI    Journal Sentinal 4 16 02     
Ball    Edward    1    con    convicted twice    San Bernardino    San
Bernardio    CA    Press Enterprise 3.10.01     
Ball    Bruce    1    con    convicted sexual abuse, defrocked    LaCrosse
WI     Balt Sun 8 21 02
Baltazar    Mel      1    con    convicted, 7 yr. Sentence    Boise, ID
Boise    ID    Associated Press 3.24.02     
Berko    Mathew    1    con    convicted 1985 abuse girl 15 yrs.    St.
Petersburg    FL
Brendemann    George    1    con    convicted     Phoenix, AZ     Phoenix
AZ    Arizona Republic 4.1.02     
Burke    Edward Thomas    1    con    convicted, 2 yr. sentence, abuse of
retarded individual    San Jose, CA Diocese    San Jose    CA    LA Times 6
29 02
Burkholder    Robert    1    con    convicted, 5 yr. probation    Spokane,
WA    Spokane    WA    SpokesmanReview 11.2.02     
Burns    Robert M.    1    con    convicted molesting boy; served 6 yrs
Boston    Charlestown    MA    USA Today 11 11 02
Clark    Daniel C.    1    con    convicted '88; arr on new charges 2002
Louisville, KY    Shepherdsville    KY    Louisville Courior 8.8 02     
Dabbene    Bernard    1    con    convicted 2000; 1 yr sentence; abuse of
child    San Francisco    San Francisco    CA    Chronicle 2.2.01
Dempsey    Thomas    1    con    convicted 1997, 200 hrs community service
Boston    Boston    MA    Boston Herald 5 13 02
Dunn    Louis Ward    1    con    convicted of rape. 10 yr sentence
Providence, RI     Providence    RI    Boston Globe 6 25 97
Effinger    William    1    con    convicted in 1993; died in prison
Milwaukee    Milwaukee    WI    Washington Post 4 15 02     
Eliscard    Jean-Level    1    con    convicted, 3 yr sentence, returned to
Haiti         Hamilton    NJ    Mercer County, NJ Procecutors Office 6 17 02
Elliot    Larry    1    con    convicted, 2 yr sentence    Boone    NC
Watauga Democrat 9 15 98     
Emo    Eugene    1    con     convicted, violiated proale, sentenced
1-3.yrs. Released 8 01    Rochester, NY      Rochester    NY    Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle  3.14.02     
Fessard    Gerald B.    1    con    convicted, 3 yr probation    Los Angeles
Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
Flake    Larry    1    con    convicted, misconduct with girl    Richmond
Diocese    Richmond    IN    Associated Press 8.30.01     
Fontenot    Lane    1    con    convicted, 1 yr sentence    Lafayette, LA
Lafayette    LA    Baton Rouge Morning Advocate 7 18 86     
Forsythe    James A.    1    con    convicted, molestation    Overland Park
KS    Associated Press 5 5 02     
Fortier    Roger    1    con    convicted    Manchester, NH     Farmington
NH    Boston Globe 8 8 98
Frey    Ross    1    con     convicted    Boston    Methuan    MA    Eagle
Tribune 4/19/2002     
Friese    Robert    1    con    convicted, abuse of child 14    Des Plaines
IL    Chicago Sun Times 11 16 95     
Funke    James    1    con    convicted 1987    St.Louis    St. Louis    MO
St. Louis Dispatch
Gauthe    Gilbert    1    con     convicted, 20 yr sentence    Lafayette, LA
Lafayette    LA    Baton Rouge Advocate 2 1 01     
Geoghan    John    1    con     convicted    Boston    Boston    MA
Boston Globe      
Girard    Steven    1    con    convicted    Baltimore    Baltimore    MD
Associated Press 4 27 02     
Gustafson    Gilbert    1    con    convicted in 1970s, 6 months jail, new
allegations    Minneapolis    Minneapolis    MN    Star Tribune  10 18 02
Hanlon    John    1    con     convicted, life sentence    Boston    Hingham
MA    BostonGlobe 3.20.02     
Hanrahan    Michael    1    con    convicted; served 3 yrs; abuse of boy 11
Columbus    Columbus    OH    ChronicleTelegram 4.7.02     
Henry    Richard    1    con    convicted, 8 yr sentance, sex with children
     Montrose    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
Herek    Daniel    1    con    Convicted; 5 yr sentence; 5 yr. Probation
Omaha, NB    Omaha    NE    Associated Press 5.19.99     
Holley    David    1    con     convicted, 275 yr sentence    Worcester
Worcester    MA    Worcester Telegram and Gazette 9 1 02     
Hopwood    Frederick    1    con    convicted, 3 yrs probation    Boston
Charlestown    SC    Charlotte Observer 3 17 02
Hrdicka    Robert    1    con    convicted in 1993, court martialed
Lincoln    NB    Omaha World Herald 4 9 02
Huff    Edward    1    con    convicted    Pittsburgh    Pittsburgh    PA
Pittsburgh Post Gazette 3 17 02
Hughes    Michael D.    1    con    convicted, 15 yr suspended sentence
Medford    OK    Dallas News 7.6.97
Kelley    Robert E.    1    con    convicted 1998;  inprison, admitted
abusing 50-100 girls     Worcester    Worcester    MA    Worcester Telegram
and Grazette 5 11 02     
Kelly    Patrick    1    con    convicted; sentenced to probation    Los
Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
Kos    Rudolph    1    con     convicted, life sentence    Dallas    Dallas
TX    Dallas Morning News 10 7 97      
LaMountain    Michael    1    con    convicted, sex abuse    Providence, RI
Providence    RI    Providence Journal 9 10 02     
Larson    Robert    1    con     convicted, 3-10 yr sentence, sexual battery
Diocese of Wichita    Newton    KS    Wichita Eagle 3 31 01
Lavigne    Richard    1    con     convicted 10 yr probation    Springfield,
MA    Springfield    MA    Boston Globe 9 18 96
Leech    P. Henry    1    con    convicted, 3 yr sentence    Providence, RI
Woonsocket    RI    Newark Star Ledger, 1985     
Lehman    Mark    1    con     convicted, 10 yr sentence, released 2/02
Phoenix, AZ     Phoenix    AZ    Diocese website
Lipinski    Vincent    1    con    convicted, abuse of boy 14    Santa Fe,
NM     Sante Fe    NM    ABQ Journal 9 20 96     
Louis    Martin    1    con    convicted, 5-25 yrs, 14 counts of rape
Cleveland    Euclid    OH    Associated Press 4 9 02
MacRae    Gordon    1    con    convicted in 1990s    Manchester, NH
Manchester    NH    Foster's Daily Democrat 2 15 02     
Madden    Michael    1    con    convicted 1989 lewd conduct with minor
Burlington, VT    Barton    VT    Burlington Free Press 4 27 02
Malloy    Robert    1    con    convicted tampering evidence, alleged abuse,
5 yrs probation. Police chapliain    Santa Fe, NM     Albuquerque    NM
Albuquerque, NM 9 21 02
Mariano    Angel    1    con    convicted 1999, abuse boy 17, 5 months jail
San Jose, CA Diocese    San Jose    CA    San Jose Merc 3 27 02
Martins    Nilo    1    con    convicted 1985, abuse of boy 12; deported to
Brazil    Philadelphia    Philadelphia    PA    Associated Press 5 2 02     
McCarffrey    Vincent      1    con    convicted 2002, child porn.  Alleged
abuse    Chicago, IL      Chicago    NJ    Associated Press 9 12 02     
McCutcheon    Peter    1    con    convicted 1986; abuse of minors,
sentenced to 25 yrs    Baltimore    Baltimore    MD    Washington Post 2 16
McKeown    Edward    1    con    convicted 1999. 25 yrs. Abused boy 12
Nashville, TN     Nashville    TN    The Tennessean 8 16 00     
Melancon    Robert L.    1    con    convicted 1996. Life sentence abuse of
boy    Houma-Thiibodaus, LA    Houma    LA    National Catholic Reporter 7
12 96
Mowat    Anton    1    con    convicted in 1980s of child abuse, jail time
Atlanta    Stone Mtn    GA    Associated Press 4 27 02
Nicewicz    Edward    1    con     convicted 1986,  rape of 2 girls
Worcester    Gardner    MA    Worcester Telegram and Gazette 11 1 86     
Nienaber    Leonard      1    con    convicted 1994, 10 cts of sex abuse
Covington, KY      Lexington    KY    Courier-Journal 8 24 02
Nwaogu    Emeh "Anthony"    1    con    convicted 1999, abuse of girl 12
Dallas    Dallas    TX    Associated Press 8 8 99
O'Connell    William    1    con    convicted on 36 counts, died in prison
Providence, RI     Narraganset    RI    Boston Phoenix 8 23 01     
O'Grady    Oliver    1    con    convicted 1993,  14 yr. Sent; $7mm
settlement    Los Angeles    Stockton    CA    Los Angeles Times 4 7 02     
Ortiz-Dietz    Xavier    1    con    convicted, 60 yr sentence, abused 7
boys    Almagordo    Almagordo    TX    Armarillo Globe News 6 28 02
O'Sinski    Peter    1    con    convicted,  7-10 yr sentence    Paterson,
NJ    Paterson    NJ    USC 6.20.02     
O'Sullivan    Eugene    1    con     convicted in 1984    Boston    Boston
MA    Boston Globe 2 9 02     
Perron    Thoussaint    1    con    convicted in 1993, 3 yr sentence, abuse
boy 14         Walnut    IL    Chicago Sun Times 2 20 93
Pipala    Edward    1    con    convicted     Orange, CA     Monroe    NY
Orange County Record Online 10 26 01     
Pisarcik    John    1    con    convicted in 1992; 5 yr sentence, abuse of 2
boys    Paterson, NJ    Patterson    NJ    Daily Record 6 28 02     
Porter    James    1    con     convicted in 1992 -  20 yrs    Boston
Fall River    MA    Associated Press 12 17 95
Provost    Ronald D.    1    con     convicted in 1993 - 10 yrs, pix of boy
10    Worcester    Worcester    MA    Worcester Telegram and Gazette 2 17 93
Ramos    Ponciano    1    con    convicted 1992    San Bernardino    San
Bernardio    CA    Fox 4 8 02
Rodrigue    Edward    1    con    convicted, 10 yr sentence; 5 boys    San
Bernardio, CA Diocese    Highland    CA    Press-Enterprise Riverside
Rogge    Norman    1    con    convicted 1985    Lafayette, LA     Grand
Coteau    LA    Times of Arcadiana 4 23 02     
Rudy    John    1    con    convicted abuse of minors    Hartford, CT
Winstead    CT    Hartford Courant 12.8.99
Rydzewski    Thomas A.    1    con    convicted child porn possession
Baltimore    Baltimore    MD    Arch Dio. Of Baltimore Website
Schipper    Carl Anthony    1    con    convicted 2000, 5 felony counts
Santa Clara, CA Diocese    Santa Clara    CA    (San Francisco) Guardian 5 8
Scruton    Stephen    1    con    convicted 1980s,  more allegations in 1986
Manchester, NH     Dover    NH    Foster's Daily Democrat 2 15 02
Shea    Leo    1    con     convicted 1994, 3-6 yr sentence, abuse of boy 14
Manchester, NH     Manchester    NH    CNN 10 30 02     
Sito    Joseph    1    con    convicted 1999; removed in 2002    Detroit
Detroit    MI    USA Today 11 11 02
Spillane    Jeremiah    1    con    convicted 1997, internet solicitation of
boy 13    Tampa Bay, FL Diocese    Clearwater     FL    Tampa Tribune 4 22
Stavinoha    Donald    1    con    convicted in 1988, 10 yrs, abuse of boy 9
Houston     Houston     TX    Houston Chronicle 9 28 92     
Stefanich    Edward    1    con    convicted 1987, abuse of girl 15, 1 yr
probation    Chicago      Chicago    IL    Chicago Tribune 7 31 92
Strand    Ralph    1    con    convicted 1995,abuse of boy 15; 4 yr sentence
Chicago      Chicago    IL    Chicago Tribune 5 21 95     
Sunun    Carlos    1    con    convicted 1998, abuse of girls. 12 yr
sentence, 20 yrs probation    Hartford, CT     Hartford    CT    Hartford
Courant 11 21 98     
Svea    Timothy E.    1    con    convicted 2002, 1.5 yr jail, 20 yrs
probation, molest boys         Wausau    WI, wire services, 2
28 02
Swierzy    Michael    1    con     convicted 1998, 5 yr probation
Philadelphia    Philadelphia    PA    Associated Press 3 4 02     
Timmons    Gary    1    con    convicted, 8 yr sentence, abuse of boy 10
Santa Rosa Diocese    Santa Rosa    CA    Press Demcrat, Santa Rosa, CA 6 8
Trott    Roger    1    con    convicted 1987 5 yr probation, abuse of boy 13
Greensburg, PA    Delmont    PA    Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 3.15 02     
Wagner    Dennis    1    con    convicted 1983 of assault of boy 13    Grand
Rapids MI    Coopersville    MI    Associated Press 5 14 02
White    Myles    1    con    convicted 1992, abuse of teenager    Joliet,
IL Diocese    Kankakee    FL    Daily Southtown (IL) May 8 2002
Wishard    John    1    con    convicted 1980 oral copulation of minor,
probation    Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    USA Today 11 11 02
Wolk    Robert    1    con    convicted 1987 abuse of boy    Tampa FL    St.
Petersburg    FL    Target 11 (TV) Pittsburgh "Former Priests" 5 20 02     
Zula    Richard "Sade"    1    con    convicted 1987 abuse of boy    Tampa
FL    St. Petersburg    FL    Target 11 (TV) Pittsburgh "Former Priests" 5
20 02     
Part 2: Civil Settlement or Judgment
Last Name    First Name    Pt    Status    Notes    Diocese    City    State
Source    Double Check
Adamson    Thomas    2    set    settled in 1987- nearly $1mm    Minneapolis
St. Paul    MN    Star Tribune 4 13 02     
Albino    John    2    set    settled in 2001. Alleged payments for sex with
boy    New York    New York    NY    USA Today 11 11 02
Archuleta    Malvin    2    set    settled, priest removed from ministry
Santa Cruz    NM    ABC News 4 3 02
Authenrieth    William    2    set    settled    Rochester, NY Diocese
Rochester    FL    Orlando Sentinel 10.12.92     
Aylward    James    2    set    settled    San Francisco    San Francisco
CA    Examiner 5/21/2000     
Baker    Michael S.    2    set    settled for $1.3 M; alleged abuse of  2
brothers    Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    LA Times 9 27 02     
Barrett    Robert    2    set    settled in 1997;    Boston    Framingham
MA    Boston Globe 4.8.97
Brett    Lawrence    2    set    settled $1mm,  hid 10 yrs in carribean
Bridgeport, CT    Bridgeport    CT    New York Law Journal 11.12.99     
Brom (Bishop)    Robert    2    set    settled $100K    Duluth, MN
Duluth    MN    Boston Globe 3 22 02
Bueche    Gary    2    set    settlements paid, alleged abuse, removed
Detroit    Detroit    MI    USA Today 11 11 02
Buntel    Richard    2    set    settled $52K    Boston    Malden    MA
Boston Globe 6.5.02
Byrne    William    2    set    settled in 2002; abuse of teenager
Tuscon, AZ     Tuscon    AZ    Boston Globe 8.20.02
Cinesi    Joseph    2    set    settled in 1999;  5 victims alleged abuse
Miami, FL     Miami    FL 3.20.02
Clapsaddle    Harlan    2    set    settled $82K    Rockford Diocese
Rockford    IL    WashPost 6.09.02
Coleman    Walter    2    set    settled 1995    Bridgeport, CT
Bridgeport    CT    CT Post 4.14.02
Cotter    John    2    set    settled, died 1989    Boston    West Roxbury
MA    Boston Globe 1 28 02
D'Angelo    Rocco    2    set    settled; abuse of boys    Tampa FL    Tampa
FL    Knight Ridder 3 22 02     
Desilets    Paul M.    2    set    settlement. Alleged abuse    Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Herald 2 23 02
Fernandez    Federico    2    set    settled, estimated $1mm     San Antonio
San Antonio    TX    Dallas Morning News
Galindo    Rudolph    2    set    settled $75K    San Diego, CA Diocese
San Diego    CA    Time 7 1 85
Goodman    Norman    2    set    settled    Peoria    IL    Journal Star
Graham    Daniel    2    set    admitted to allegation         Quincy    MA
Boston Globe 5.18.02
Grammond    Maurice    2    set    settled    Portland, OR     Portland
OR    Associated Press 10/10/2000, 5/29     
Haddican    Bernard    2    set    settled for $44K; died 1998    Jackson,
MS    Jackson    MS    BostonGlobe 7.18.02
Haight    Mark    2    set    settled, removed    Baltimore    Baltimore
MD    Albany Times Union 6 5 02
Hanley    James T    2    set    settled $350K    Paterson, NJ    Menham
NJ    NJ Daily Record 6 25 02     
Harris    Michael    2    set    settled $5.2mm    Los Angeles    Los
Angeles    CA    Associated Press 8.24.01;4.1.02
Hogan    Leroy Jerome    2    set    settled $65K    Green Bay    Green Bay
WI    Post-Cresent 5 31 02
Holtz    Louis    2    set    settled in 1997, defrocked    Covington, KY 
Lexington    KY    Cincinatti Enquirer 7 10 02
Huef    Richard H.     2    set    settled    Roseville    MN    Pioneer
Press - May 26, 2002
Hume    Jorge    2    set    settled    Santa Rosa    CA    Santa Rosa Press
Democrat 1 27 99
Idziak    Stanley    2    set    settled, removed    Atlanta    Stone
Mountain    GA    Associated Press 4 27 02
Jeub    Richard H.     2    set    settled    Roseville    MN    Pioneer
Press - May 26, 2002     
Kane    Francis    2    set    settled in 1995, alleged abuse. Hospital
chaplain    Portland, ME    Cape Elizabeth    ME    Blethen Maine Newspapers
3 13 02      
Kane    Thomas A.    2    set    settled in 1986, alleged abuse    Worcester
Worcester    MA    Boston Herald 1 30 02
Keith    John    2    set    settled $95K. Alleged abuse of boy 12    San
Diego, CA Diocese    La Mesa    CA    Associated Press 5 10 02
Kennington    Jack    2    set    settled in 2001 alleged sex abuse    New
York    New York    NY    USA Today 11 11 02     
Matte    Richard    2    set    settled.  Alleged abuse of boy    Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Globe 6 5 02
McLoughlin    Edward    2    set    settled in 1999.  Alleged abuse of altar
boy    Venice, FL Diocese    Port Charlotte    FL    Associated Press
Mullin    Jay    2    set    settled 1992 $60K; removed twice, chaplain at
nursing home     Boston    Allston    MA    Boston Globe 2 24 02
Nicholson    John    2    set    settled in 1995    Duluth, MN     Duluth
MN    Minneapolis Star Tribune 4 13 02     
O'Donoghue    Brenden    2    set    settled in 1999, $300K; removed
Worcester    Worcester    MA    Boston Herald 2 22 02     
Peltz    Carl Anthony    2    set    settled $25K;  navy chaplain
Steubenville, OH    Steubenville    OH    Holland Sentinel 4 6 02
Riordan    Brenden J.     2    set    settled, info case out in another case
Rockville Centre, NY     Rockville Centre    NY    Worcester Telegram and
Grazette 9 1 02     
Sexton    Patrick    2    set    settled for $15K; alleged abuse     New
York    New York    NY    NY Post 3 7 00     
Shauris    Robert A.     2    set    settled    Worcester    Fitchburg    MA
Worcester Telegram and Gazzette 3 27 02     
Siegele    Charles J.    2    set    settled; alleged abuse; priest dead
Philadelphia    Philadelphia    PA    USA Today 11 11 02     
Smart    Wilson    2    set    settled 1993 for $1.7m; admitted abuse of 30
boys    Montana    Helena    MT    Seatle Times 4 1 93     
Sullivan    John Thomas    2    set    settled $500K  died
allegations    Grand Rapids, SC    Grand Rapid    MI    Associated Press 4 8
Teta    Michael    2    set    settled, defrocked     Tuscon, AZ     Tuscon
AZ    Associated Press 1.29.02     
Theisen    Joseph    2    set    settled in 1994; allegations of abuse;
laicized    New York    New York    NY    USA Today 11 11 02
Tourigney    Ernest    2    set    settled 1995 $70K. priest on sick leave
Boston    Weymouth    MA    Boston Globe 1 31 02     
Towner    Robert K.    2    set    settled.  Additional allegations
Boston    Lynn    MA    Boston Herald 3 22 02, 6 6 02     
Trupia    Robert    2    set    settled in 1997; suspended 1992     Tuscon,
AZ     Tuscon    AZ    Boston Globe 8 20 02     
Valentine    Leroy    2    set    settled in 1970s, accused 3 bros.     St.
Louis    St.Louis    MO     Belleville News-Democrate (IL) 3 7 02
Vonnahmen    Robert J.    2    set    settled, 2 other allegations
Belleville, IL      Camp Ondessonk    IL    NY Times 3 3 02     
Wajda    Joseph    2    set    settled    Crystal    MN    LA Times 5 19 90
White    Paul D.     2    set    settled 1998; alleged abuse of boy
Boston    Haverall    MA    Boston Globe 1 28 02     
Wyhsolmerski    Benjamin    2    set    settled; alleged abuse.  Priest dead
Burlington, VT    Bellows Falls    VT    Burlington Free Press 4 27 02
Part 3: Pending Criminal Action
Last Name    First Name    Pt    Status    Notes    Diocese    City    State
Source    Double Check
Akuzie    Bennet    3    arr    arrested; alleged accused of groping 16 yr
New York    Queens, NYC    NY    NY Times 4.4.96     
Allgaier    Robert    3    arr    arrested; alleged possession of child porn
Omaha, NB    Omaha    NB    Associated Press 4.27 02     
Azzarone    Daniel    3    arr    arrested; alleged sexual assault 2 people
over 2 yrs    Providence, RI     RI    Associated Press 4.05.02     
Barszcx    Benedict    3    arr    arrested; alleged exposed himself to
teenage girls    Buffalo, NY    Buffalo    NY    Buffalo News
Bauer    John    3    ind    indicted; alleged child porn    Los Angeles
Los Angeles    CA    LA Times 12.14.89     
Benjamin    Henry    3    ind    indicted; trial on 4 cts crim sex cond w/
minor    Detroit    Detroit    MI    Detroit Free Press Nov 1, 2002     
Bernabe    Polienato    3    ind    indicted; alleged abuse, fled country
Tampa FL    St. Petersburg    FL    Petersburg Times 7 17 02     
Bernstein    Timothy    3    arr    arrested; alleged 10 counts of lewd
conduct    Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    LA Times 4.7.01     
Bismonte    Honesto    3    arr    arrested 4/02; alleged abuse    Los
Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
Blankenship    John    3    ind     indicted; alleged abuse      Prince
George    VA    Washington Post Aug 21 02     
Bowen    Donald J.    3    arr    arrested 2002; alleged abuse, returned
after 31yrs in Bolivia    Boston    Norton    MA    Providence Journal
Castaldo    John    3    arr    arrested; alleged online sex with 14 yr old
     White Plains    NY    Associated Press 5.26.01     
Cochrane    Richard J.    3    arr    arrested 1999; alleged abuse; awaiting
trial    Orange, CA     Orange    CA    USA Today 11 11 02
Ferraro    Romano    3    arr    arrested alleged abuse      Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Globe 4/9/02     
Flores    Miguel    3    arr    arrested alleged abuse    Vallejo    CA
Associated Press 3 13 02     
Foley    Brenden    3    ind    indicted; alleged abuse      Chicago 
Chicago    IL    Chicago Tribune 3 27 89     
Freitas    Robert    3    arr    arrested 4/02; alleged abuse     Fremont
CA    Associated Press 4 10 02     
Fugee    Michael    3    arr    arrested alleged abuse    Bergen    NJ
Record 3.22.01
Furdek    John    3    arr    arrested; alleged solicitation internet of
children         Villa Park    IL    Chicago Tribune 2 19 00     
Gale    Robert V.     3    arr    arrested; alleged abuse    Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Arch. Dio. Website     
Garcia    Jesus    3    arr    arrested; alleged abuse    Mathis    TX
Dallas Morning News 2 5 97     
Giblin    William    3    arr    arrested ;alleged abuse    Newark, NJ
Newark    NJ    Reuters, July 29     
Giella    Augustine    3    ind    indicted; alleged abuse      Newark, NJ
Ocean County    NJ    Harrisburg Partriot 8 20 92     
Graham    Thomas    3    ind    indicted; alleged abuse      St. Louis
St. Louis    MO    Post-Dispatch 11 1 02     
Groves    Bill    3    arr    arrested; alledge abuse, removed    Ignacio
CO    Denver Post 9 21 89
Guthrie    Frederick    3    arr    arrested 11/01; alleged internet
solicitation     Boston    Gloucester    MA    Foster's Daily Democrat 2 15
Hartz    Gerald      3    ind    indicted; alleged abuse      Sioux City
IA    Omaha World-Herald 10.5.95
Heyndricks    Eugene    3    arr    arrested alleged abuse    Newark, NJ
Newark    NJ    Reuters, July 29
Howell    Lyndon    3    arr    arrested; alleged abuse    Delray Beach
FL    AP 6/26/01
Hurley    Paul    3    arr    arrested;  alleged abuse     Boston    Boston
MA    Boston Globe 8/15/02
Hutado-Badillo    Domingo    3    arr    arrested; alleged abuse    Chicago 
Chicago    IL    Chicago Tribune 2 18 00
Iguabita    Kelvin    3    arr    arrested; alleged abuse    Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Globe 2.4.02
Jawawardene    Titak    3    ind    indicted; alleged abuse; fled country
Glendale    CA    LA Daily News 1 5 91
Jimenez    Enrique Diaz    3    arr    arrested; alleged abuse    New York
Queens, NYC    NY    Book, Betrayal p.107
Jones    Augustine    3    ind    indicted; alleged abuse    Aurora    IL
Chicago Tribune 9 24 93     
Kiare    Peter    3    arr    arrested 6/02, alleged abuse of boy 12    New
York    Queens    NY    NY Post 6 26 06
Kimball    Don    3    arr    arrested; alleged rape of girl 14    Santa
Rosa Diocese    Santa Rosa    CA    San Francisco Chronicle 4 10 02     
Kuchar    Bryhan    3    arr    arrested; alleged abuse    St. Louis    St.
Louis    MO    St. Louis Today; Post-Dispatch 7 02 02
Kuhl    Morgan    3    arr    arrested 1999, solication of boy 14, unknown
status    Newark, NJ     Perth Amboy (Staten Is)    NJ    Yahoo! News
Kujawa    Patrick    3    arr    arrested 2000; child porn charges,
Lafayette, LA     Houma    LA    Houma Today 1.13.2000     
Nelson    Francis    3    arr    arrested; alleged abuse arrested 5/22/02
Brooklyn    Brooklyn     NY    Newsday May 23 02     
Paquin    Ronald L.     3    arr    arrested; alleged rape of girl 14
Boston    Boston    MA    Boston Globe 5 30 02     
Pelaez    Oscar    3    arr    arrested 3/02 alleged abuse     Stockton
Modesto    CA    The KCRA 3 13 02     
Pintado    Jorge P.    3    ind    indicted sep 2002; alleged abuse of alter
boy    New York    New York    NY    USA Today 11 11 02     
Roberts    Mark    3    arr    arrested 2002; abuse of 5 boys, removed
Diocese of Las Vegas    Las Vegas    NV    Las Vegas Review-Journal 7.17.02
Rodriguez    Carlos Rene    3    arr    arrested 9/02; abuse of boy 12
Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    LA Times 9 26 02     
Rucker    George Neville    3    arr    arrested 9/02; alleged abuse of 7
girls    Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    NY Times 9 29 02     
Schaeufele    Robert    3    arr    arrested; alleged abuse    Tampa FL
Tampa    FL    St. Petersburg Times 5 11 02
Shanley    Paul    3    arr    arrested; alleged 30 years of abuse; 30
allegations    Boston    Boston    MA    NY Times May 19 2002     
Sigler    Jason E.    3    ind     indicted; alleged abuse      Detroit
River Rouge    MI    Detroit Free Press 10 12 02     
Smith    David G.    3    ind    indicted; alleged abuse    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Baltimore Sun 7 19 02
Talbot    James    3    ind    indicted on 7 cts.    Boston    Boston    MA
Boston Globe 9 18 02
Widera    Sigfried    3    ind    indicted; alleged abuse, 33 felony
accounts. current manhunt    Milwaukee    Milwaukee    WI    Yahoo News 10
31 02     
Part 4: Pending Civil Litigation
Last Name    First Name    Pt    Status    Notes    Diocese    City    State
Source    Double Check
Anderson    Alexander R.    4    sued    alleged abuse; priest sues accuser 
St. Louis    St. Louis    MO    Post Dispatch 7 29 02
Berthold    George    4    sued    alleged abuse of boy    Boston    Boston
MA    Boston Globe 5.15.02
Bietighofer    Alfred    4    sued    removed; committed suicide
Bridgeport, CT    Bridgeport    CT    New YorkTimes 5.18 02     
Brennan    Edward    4    sued    alleged abuse of girl 11    Brooklyn
Brooklyn    NY    USA Today 11 11 02
Casper    Thomas    4    sued    sued, died in 1991.    Louisville, KY
Louisville    KY    Courier-Journal 9 2 02
Connell    John K    4    sued    multiple claims    Boston    Plymouth
MA    Boston Herald 3 29 02
Deering    Albert    4    sued    sued in 2002, allegations, priest died
Indianapolis, IN Archdiocese    Jeffersonville    IN    Courier-Journal 10
17 02     
Densmore    Robert  J.    4    sued    sued in 2000; alleged abuse of boy
Manchester, NH     Concord    NH    Foster's Daily Democrat 4 11 02     
Elder    John    4    sued    two female victims.  Priest died 93
Louisville, KY    Louisville    KY    Louisville, KY Courier-Journal 9 29 02
Engbers    John    4    sued    civil. Our lady of perpetual help
Lafayette, LA     Lafayette    LA    Baton Rouge State Times 12 5 85     
Ewing    Bruce    4    sued    lawsuit    Louisville, KY    Louisville    KY
Courier-Journal 5 1 02
Fay    Robert D.    4    sued    civil suit, abuse of woman    Boston
Boston    MA    Middlesex Court, Case file 2002-02685     
Fendin    Charles    4    sued    1987 lawsuit for abuse    Lafayette, LA
Baton Rouge    LA    Baton Rouge State Times 12 23 87     
Fertal    Joe    4    sued    abuse of 17 year old    San Bernardino    San
Bernardino    CA    Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek, CA)     
Flynn    Frank    4    sued    female victim suing    FL    South Florida
Sun Sentinel 5 1 02     
Franklin    Jonathan    4    sued    shot himself 1 week before trial
Lafayette, LA     Baton Rouge    LA    Cleveland Plain Dealer 5 25 02     
Friedman    Daniel    4    sued    allegations of child abuse    Vienna
IL    St. Louis Post Dispatch 3 5 02     
Gallant    John    4    sued    sued in 2002; relationship with girl 16
New York    New York    NY    USA Today 11 11 02
Guzman    Fernando    4    sued    admitted to sex with 13 yr old
Navasota    TX    Houston Chronical 11 3 90
Hagenback    Vincent    4    sued    sued 2002; priest now dead    Los
Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    USA Today 11 11 02     
Hargadon    James    4    sued    named in suit, removed    Louisville, KY
Louisville    KY    Courier-Journal 10 11 02
Heydens    Donald    4    sued    5 female victims    Grand Rapids    MI
Chicago Tribune 4 23 93     
Hoefgen    Francis    4    sued    sued in 1992 for sex abuse    Cold
Springs    MN    Star Tribune 5 12 02
Horvath    Bertam    4    sued    sued in 2002; alleged abuse of altar boy
Orange, CA     Orange    CA    USA Today 11 11 02
Inzerillo    Peter    4    sued    placed on leave by bishop    Worcester
Worcester    MA    Worcester Telegram and Gazette 5 12 02     
Kelley    Edward T.    4    sued    sued 2002. Alleged abuse    Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Globe 9 19 02     
Kirsch    Robert    4    sued    alleged rape of girl 15; admission under
oath    Santa Fe, NM     Sante Fe    NM    CBS 60 minutes 4 21 02     
Lamothe    Francis    4    sued    sued; alleged abuse by 3    Manchester,
NH     Manchester    NH    Foster's Daily Democrat 7 30 02     
Mahan    Paul    4    sued    alleged abuse,  priest defrocked    Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Herald 5 23 02
Malicki    Jan    4    sued    alleged abuse of teen    Miami, FL     Miami
FL    Miami Herald website, 3 19 02
Manzo    Francis    4    sued    sued. Alleged abuse of boy, removed
Brooklyn    Brooklyn    NY    USA Today 11 11 02     
Marcantonio    Robert    4    sued    alleged abuse of boys age 12-14
Providence, RI     Providence    RI    Worcester Telegram and Gazette 9 1 02
Martin    Jon    4    sued    alleged abuse,  removed     Boston
Middleton    MA    Boston Herald (Townonline) 8 20 01
Maurer    Edward L.     4    sued    sued, alleged abuse, retired
Brooklyn    Brooklyn    NY    USA Today 11 11 02
McGarvey    Joseph    4    sued    lawsuit 1994,  abused victim is now a
priest    Camden, NJ     Millville    NJ    Superior Court of NJ (CA No.
McGreal    James    4    sued    sued in 2002, alleged abuse of kids
Seattle     Seattle    WA    Seattle PI 7 26 02
McLoughlin    John    4    sued    sued, alleged abuse of teens; priest dead
Brooklyn    Brooklyn    NY    USA Today 11 11 02     
McSheffery    Daniel    4    sued    lawsuit in 2002. Abuse of boys
Hartford, CT     Hartford    CT    Hartfort Courant June 6 6 02
Melville    Raymond    4    sued    alleged sexual abuse, sued in 2001, left
priesthood    Portland, ME     Portland    ME    Baltimore Sunn 9 26 02     
Miller    Louis      4    sued    dozens of lawsuit alleging abuse filed in
2002    Louisville, KY    Louisville    KY    Courier Journal, 6 23.02     
Morgan    William H.    4    sued    lawsuit filed 2001; alleged abuse
Boston    Canton    OH    Boston Globe 2 5 01     
Mortiarty    Paul    4    sued    sued 2002; alleged coverup    Boston
Boston    MA    USA Today 11 11 02
Nwoga    Laserian    4    sued    alleged fondling of girl 15 in rectory
Camden, NJ     Camden    NJ    The Press (Atlantic City, NJ) 8 19 02     
O'Doherty    Liam    4    sued    alleged abuse of female    Syracuse, NY 
Syracuse    NY    Post Standard, Syracuse, NY 5 12 02     
O'Neill    Robert    4    sued    alleged abuse by 8 men    Rochester, NY 
Rochester    NY    Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 10 2 02     
Peebles    Robert R    4    sued    allegations, police chaplain, then
lawyer    Dallas    Dallas    TX    Dallas Morning News 10 27 02     
Perrault    Arthur    4    sued    alledged abuse of 6 children    Santa Fe,
NM     Santa Fe    NM    CBS 60 minutes 4 21 02     
Petroski    Ronald P.    4    sued    sued 1984; alleged abuse of boy;
priest dead    Brooklyn    Brooklyn    NY    USA Today 11 11 02     
Prinz    Gerald    4    sued    alleged abuse of boy    Lafayette, LA
Houma    LA    Times of Arcadiana 5 22 02
Pritchard    Joseph    4    sued    alleged abuse, 10 victims came forward
San Jose, CA Diocese    San Jose    CA    CBS News, San Francisco 8 6 02
Rodriguez    Ruben    4    sued    2002; all abuse of teens    New York
New York    NY    NY Post 6.23.01     
Ronan    Andrew    4    sued    allege abuse, removed 1966, died
Portland, OR     Portland    OR    AP 4.4.02
Stack    George    4    sued    sued, alleged abuse of boy     Brooklyn
Brooklyn    NY    USA Today 11 11 02     
Stanton    Leonard    4    sued    sued 2002; alleged coverup    Boston
Boston    MA    USA Today 11 11 02     
Tague    Patrick J.    4    sued    sued 2002; alleged coverup    Boston
Boston    MA    USA Today 11 11 02     
Trainor    Michael    4    sued    alleged abuse.  First suit in 199,
resigned 1991    Madison, WI    Madison    WI    Capital Times (Madison, WI)
5 25 02     
Turnbull    Paul    4    sued    2000, sex assault in 70'-80's, died
Boston    Boston    MA    Boston Globe 1 28 02     
Vessels    Henry G.    4    sued    named in lawsuit, died in 1980
Louisville, KY    Louisville    KY    Courier-Journal 10 24 02
Waldruff    Raymond    4    sued    named in lawsuite against diocese
Owensboro, KY    Owensboro    KY    Associated Press 3 29 02
Williams (Bp.)    J. Kendrick    4    sued    resigned. Alleged abuse of
altar boy    Louisville, KY    Louisville    KY    Louisville Courier
Journal 6 12 02     
Witczak    Edward Michael    4    sued    alleged abuse of female.  Removed
Green Bay    Green Bay    WI    Beloit WI Daily News 6 25 02     
Wolken    Gary P.    4    sued    admitted, suit 2002    St. Louis    St.
Louis    MO    Office of Prosecuting Attorneys, 6 4 02;     
Wood    Arthur L.    4    sued    alleged abuse. 34 suits. Priest dead
Louisville, KY    Louisville    KY    Courier Journal, Louisville, KY 5 10
Ziemann (Bp)    G. Patrick    4    sued    allegations. resigned. Pending
civil suits         Santa Rosa    CA    Santa Rosa Press Democrat 7 9 02
Zollo    Vincent    4    sued    sued, alleged abuse of boy; on leave
Brooklyn    Brooklyn    NY    USA Today 11 11 02
Part 5: Public Allegations          
Last Name    First Name    Pt    Status    Notes    Diocese    City    State
Source    Double Check
name    withheld    5    all w/p    fled U.S. after allegations of abuse
Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    admin. Leave    Cincinnati    Cincinnati
OH    Dayton Daily News 6 27 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    admitted sex improp  Admin leave    Eunice
LA    Acadiana, LA.  The Times 4 17 02     
name    withheld    5    adm    admitted to sex with minor    Cincinnati
Cincinnati    OH    Cincinnati Post 5.7.02
name    withheld    5    res     resigned after allegation    Tampa FL
St. Petersburg    FL    Associated Press 4.27 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    2 cases,admit sex encounter w/ minor
Alexandria    LA    Acadiana, LA.  The Times 4 23 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    defrocked in 1995    Tarpon Springs    FL
St. Petersburg Times 5.24.02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    mistrial;deadlock on indecent assault
Boston    Athol    MA    Boston Globe 10 28 94
name    withheld    5    rem    suspended      Manchester, NH     Manchester
NH    Foster's Daily Democrat 2 15 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Portland, ME     Portland    ME
Associated Press 4 27 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed by bishop    Worcester    Worcester
MA    Worcester Telegram and Gazette 2 21 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    abuse in 1970s    Baltimore    Baltimore
MD    Baltimore Sun 8 21 02
name    withheld    5    rem    suspend pending review    Cleveland
Cleveland    OH    NY Times 4.9.02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed by bishop    Worcester    Worcester
MA    Worcester Telegram and Gazette 3.18.02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Joliet, IL       Elmhurst
IL    Chicago Sun Times 5 6 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    suspended    Youngstown OH     Richfield
OH    Associated Press 4 9 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Chicago      Chicago
IL    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    res    removed in Chicago IL    Chicago
Mundelein    IL    Daily Southtown, IL 6 24 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    accused of sex abuse of nun
Leominster    MA    Worc T&G 2 11 93
name    withheld    5    rem    remove in april 2002    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Baltimore ArchDio. Website     
name    withheld    5    rem    administrative leave    Boston    Boston
MA    Boston Arch. Dio. Website     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    St. Louis    St. Louis    MO
Post Dispatch 6 21 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    admitted; chaplain at hospital    Albany
NY    Albany Times Union 6 5 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    out of ministry. Police investigation
Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    4 women accusers    Marietta    GA
Atlanta Journal Constitution 6 12 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    sued; multi victims; dead    Boston
Boston    MA    Union Leader 3.26.02
name    withheld    5    rem    1998; shot by accuser    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Associated Press 5.14.02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse;left priesthood 1988
Worcester    Worcester    MA    Worc T&G 4.5.02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed at request of bishop    Louisville,
KY    Louisville    KY    Courier-Journal 7 9 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    3 men claimed abuse; resigned
Manchester, NH     Manchester    NH    New Hampshire Union Leader 5.24. 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002;     Detroit    Detroit
MI    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    accused of abuse before 1987 per bishop
Manchester, NH     Manchester    NH    Dover, NH. Foster's 2.15.02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Chicago      Chicago
IL    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed 2002; alleged abuse of boy
Rockville Centre, NY     Rockville Centre    NY    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    sexual abuse of minor in 1974
Philadelphia    Philadelphia    PA    Philadelphia Daily News 3 22 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Chicago      Chicago
IL    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    retired after arch. proved case credible
Manchester, NH     Nashua    NH    Union Leader 3.3.02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse    Rockville Centre, NY 
Rockville Centre    NY    Newsday 4 23 02
name    withheld    5    rem    suspended 2002    New York    New York    NY
Newsday 7 26 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    fled U.S. after allegations of abuse
Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 1994    Chicago      Chicago
IL    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    sued 1995; allege abuse    Bridgeport, CT
Bridgeport    CT    Hartford Courant 3.17.02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleg before 1987 by bishop
Manchester, NH     Manchester    NH    FostersDailyDemocrat 2 15 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    allege abuse;found alone w/ child
Springfield    MO    Associated Press 3.19.02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse     Rockville Centre, NY 
Rockville Centre    NY    Newsday 4 23 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 1993    Chicago      Chicago
IL    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of boy; died iin 1988
Newark, NJ     Newark    NJ    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    allegations    Fall River, MA    Fall River
MA    Boston Globe 9 05  92
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Detroit    Detroit    MI
USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    2002' allege abuse by 3 men    Seattle
Seattle    WA    SeattlePost-Intelligencer 5.13.02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allege abuse by bishop before '87
Manchester, NH     Burlin    NH    FostersDailyDemocrat 2 15 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse, police investigation
Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allege in Orange CA    Boston
Stoneham    MA    Boston Globe 4.3.93
name    withheld    5    rem    2002; 2 accusers         Palmetto    FL
Sarasota Herald Tribune 5.3.02     
name    withheld    5    rem    resigned 2 months before retiremen    San
Bernardino    San Bernadino    CA    LA Times 4 30 02
name    withheld    5    rem    2002; allege abuse by boy 11    Anchorage,
AK    Anchorage    AK    Catholic Anchor 7.19.02     
name    withheld    5    rem    lawsuit in 1982, alleged abuse of boy, died
194    Boston    Boston    MA    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations    Palm Beach, FL     Palm
Beach    FL    Associated Press 3 9 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002; chaplain    Detroit
Detroit    MI    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    adm    allegations. admitted pubically to 78
accusations    Rockville Centre, NY     King's Park    NY    Dallas Morning
News website Bishop Database     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    now retired,  allegations    Rockville
Centre, NY     Rockville Centre    NY    Newsday 4 23 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    abuse of female    Indianapolis    IN
Catholic World News 12 09 97     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Newark, NJ     Newark
NJ    Daily Record 10 27 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed 2002; alleged abuse of girl
Newark, NJ     Newark    NJ    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removedin 2002    Detroit    Detroit    MI
USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    New York    New York
NY    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    south florida    FL    Sun Sentinel of
So Fl 4 24 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    remove in april 2002    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Baltimore ArchDio. Website     
name    withheld    5    rem    administrative leave    Lake Villa    IL
Associated Press 4 27 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    Lafayette, LA     Baton Rouge    LA
The Baton Rouge State Times 12 23 87     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002; resigned in 1992
allegations    Detroit    Detroit    MI    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    Bridgeport, CT    Bridgeport    CT
Reuters  4 4 2000
name    withheld    5    rem    on leave, police investigation    Los
Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    res    molestation charges         Honolulu    HA
Freethouight Today 3/02; 9/02     
name    withheld    5    rem    adm to sex with teenager    Cleveland
Akron     OH    Akron Beacon Journal 4 28 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed by Cardinal         Randolph    MA
Boston Globe 2.4.02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Joliet, IL       Joliet
IL    Chicago Sun Times 5 6 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Hannibal    MO    Hannibal Post
Courier 3 9 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    admitted sick behavior to bishop    Pembina
County    SD    Associated Press 2 18 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    stripped of duties 4/01    Westbury     NY
Sun Sentinel of So. Fl 4 24 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed by bishop    Chicago      Chicago
IL    Chicago Sun Times 6 16 92     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002; abuse of boy 8    Orange,
CA     Orange    CA    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed by bishop    Boston    Boston    MA
Boston Globe website; list of priest removed     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed by bishop    Lafayette, LA     Houma
LA    Houma Today 7.2.02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    conftronted by victim's father    Boston
Canton    MA    Boston Globe 5 2 02
name    withheld    5    rem    remove in april 2002    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Baltimore ArchDio. Website     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations at cabin in Wonder Lake
Wonder Lake    IL    AP Newswires 5 16 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegation from female reported
Louisville, KY    Louisville    KY    Courier-Journal 9 2 02     
name    withheld    5    res     resigned    Lake Elsinore    CA    Las
Vegas Review-Journal 4 23 93     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations    Wareham    MA    Boston
Globe 1 28 02
name    withheld    5    adm    adm in 94 abuse of students    Goochland
VA    Virginian Pilot 9 25 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    Bridgeport, CT    Bridgeport    CT
Reuters  4 4 2000
name    withheld    5    all w/p    on leave, police investigation    Los
Angeles    Norwalk    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    on leave    Springfield, MA    Springfield
MA    Daily Hampshire Gazette 7 31 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    forced to retire    Springfield, MA
Springfield    MA    St. Louis Dispatch 3 19 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed, pursuit by police    Los Angeles
Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    Detroit    Detroit    MI    Detroit Free
Press Aug 2 02
name    withheld    5    res     victim was 11    Louisville, KY
Louisville    KY    Courier-Journal Louisville, KY     
name    withheld    5    rem    admitted contact w/ 4 boys    Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac    WI    Journal Sentinel 4.19.02
name    withheld    5    rem    admitted, asked public forgiveness
Youngstown, OH    Columbus    OH    BaltSun 9.26.02     
name    withheld    5    rem    suspended w/ credible alleg.    Camden, NJ
Camden    NJ    Associated Press  9.19.02     
name    withheld    5    rem    multiple claims    Cincinnati    Cincinnati
OH    Cincinatti Enquirer 6.24.01     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    accused twice, became bishop     
Kansas City    MO    Associated Press 4 27 02
name    withheld    5    rem    admitted abuse of altar boy         Lanham
MD    Boston Globe 2.16.95
name    withheld    5    rem    removed from activity duty         Utica
NY    Post-Standard Syracuse NY 5 12 02
name    withheld    5    rem    remove in april 2002    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Baltimore ArchDio. Website
name    withheld    5    rem    removed after allegations     Louisville, KY
Louisville    KY    Associated Press 5 9 02
name    withheld    5    rem    placed on admin leave    Orange    Costa
Mesa    CA    San Franciso Examiner 4 18 02
name    withheld    5    rem    inactive leave, police investigating    Los
Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02
name    withheld    5    rem    allegation    Louisville, KY    Louisville
KY    Courier Journal 5.17.02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed after FBI investigation     
Hannibal    MO    Hannibal Post Courier 3 9 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed by cardinal         Norwell    MA
Boston Globe 2.8.02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed after allegations     New Orleans
New Orleans    LA    Tampa Tribune 5 14 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations    Pittsburgh    Pittsburgh
PA    WPXI-TV transcript 5 20 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in Chicago IL    Chicago 
Chicago    IL    Daily Southtown, IL 6 24 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Chicago      Chicago
IL    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    1995, admitted, died in 1996    Dallas
Fort Worth    TX    Dallas 7.6.97
name    withheld    5    rem    remove in april 2002    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Baltimore ArchDio. Website
name    withheld    5    rem    admin leave      Cincinnati    Fort Loramie
OH    Cincinnati Post 6 27 02
name    withheld    5    rem    administrative leave    Joliet, IL  
Joliet    IL    SCN Media 6.16.02
name    withheld    5    rem    resigned, left priesthood 1979    Tampa FL
St. Petersburg    FL    St. Petersburg Times 5 24 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed         Wilmington    DE
Associated Press 4 27 02
name    withheld    5    res     res. After accusations of abuse of teenager
Columbus    Columbus    OH    Columbus Dispatch 5 1 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Boston    Boston    MA    Boston
Globe website; list of priest removed
name    withheld    5    all w/p    admitted to inapprop.touching at '70's
camp, undisclosed fin.settlement to 1 man    Seattle     Seatle    WA
Seattle Times 6/22/02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    fled U.S. after allegations of abuse
Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 1999;    Detroit    Detroit    MI
USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    dismissed priest         Pottsville    PA
Allen Morning Call 5 9 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    dismissed priest         Pottsville    PA
Allen Morning Call 5 9 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    $1m overturned statute of limit. 
Alleged abuse    Minneapolis    Minneapolics    MN    Star Tribune 4 8 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    lawsuit in 1995 of allege abuse. Unknown
status    Worcester    Worcester    MA    Worcester Telegram and Gazzette
Feb 1995     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002, alleged abuse of teen
Belleville, IL      Bellevillle    IN    St.Louis Post Dispatch 6 8 94
name    withheld    5    res     resigned in 2002 after allegation    Fall
River, MA    Cape Elizabeth    ME    Associated Press 3 20 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002, alleged abuse of minor
New York    New York    NY    Westchester, NY Journal News 5 25 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse; removed; police
investigation    Los Angeles    Los Angeles    LA    National Catholic
Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed 2002    Chicago      Winnetka    IL
Associated Press 4 27 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed, alleged abuse    Los Angeles    Los
Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    sued 1994, alleged abuse of boys, status
unknown    San Francisco    San Francisco    CA    LA Times 5 25 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse    Chicago      Chicago
IL    USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Springfield, MA    Springfield
MA    Daily Hampshire Gazette 7 31 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of students; priest dead
Cleveland    Cleveland    OH    Cleveland WKYC TV 3 28 02
name    withheld    5    rem    admin leave    Cincinnati    Cincinnati
OH    Dayton Daily News 6 27 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Springfield, MA
Springfield    MA    Boston Globe 9 16 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Bridgeport, CT
Bridgeport    CT    Associated Press 4 29 02
name    withheld    5    rem    remove in april 2002    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Baltimore ArchDio. Website
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002. Police investigation
Cincinnati    Cincinnati    OH    Dayton Daily News 6 27 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    diocese never told authorites about
allegations    Evansville, IN Diocese    Haubstadt    IN    Evansville
Courier & Press 5 12 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed; abuse allegations    Cleveland
Cleveland    OH    Akron Beacon Journal 4 8 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of boy    Manchester, NH
Manchester    NH    Associated Press 5 16 02
name    withheld    5    rem    alleged abuse    Manchester, NH
Winnequem    NH    Foster's Daily Democrat 2 15 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations, admission    Rapid City, SD
Rapid City    SD    Rapid City Journal     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations    Springfield    Westfield
MA    Boston Globe 4 25 92
name    withheld    5    rem    alleged abuse, left priesthood    Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Globe 8 10 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of boys; retired    Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Globe 5 7 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    suspended after allegations    Cleveland
Cleveland    OH    Associated Press 4 9 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations of abuse of girl, retired
Tampa, FL Diocese    Brandon    FL    Tampa Tribune 4 22 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations of abuse    Washington, DC
Washington D.C.    DC    Catholic News
name    withheld    5    rem    removed 2002    Boston    Winchester    MA
Boston Globe 7 26 01     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed;  allegations of abuse of children
Phoenix, AZ     Phoenix    AZ    Arizona Republic 8 14 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    remove in april 2002    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Baltimore ArchDio. Website     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed; allegations of child abuse    St.
Louis    St. Louis    MO    Chicago News 6 16 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of teen    Orange, CA
Orange    CA    LA Times 3 29 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    charges dismissed 1996, suicide 1997
Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    National Catholic Reporter 8 30 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of boys    Buffalo, NY
Lockport    NY    Buffalo News 12 23 93
name    withheld    5    rem    on leave in 1992; criminal charges dropped
     Oshkosh    WI    Chicago Sun Times 5 20 92     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse; unclear status of old
lawsuits    Providence, RI     Providence    Ril    Boston Herald 7 23 99
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse.  Unclear status of old
lawsuits    Hartford, CT     Hartford    CT    Hartford Courant 3 11 93
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations per Bishop, before 1987
Manchester, NH     Manchester    NH    Foster's Daily Democrat 2 15 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 1988, alleged abuse of teen
New York    New York    NY    USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse; status of lawsuits
unknown    Camden, NJ    Atlantic City    NJ    Courier Post April 1999     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed; laicized    Detroit    Detroit
MI    USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse, unknown status of 1992
lawsuit    Chicago     Chicago    OH    Chicago Sun Times 12 10 92
name    withheld    5    rem    alleged abuse of boys    Boston    Boston
MA    USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Boston    West
Bridgewater    MA    Boston Globe 5 25 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations per bishop      Baltimore
Baltiimore    MD    Baltimore Sun 8 26 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse    St. Louis    Branson
MO    Boston Herald 10 31 01     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of girl.  Priest dead
Boston    Allston    MA    Boston Herald 2 25 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed 2002.  Alleged abuse of boys. 
Hospital chaplain    Rockville Centre, NY     Garden City    NY    Newsday 3
13 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Boston    Brockton    MA
Fall River (MA) Standard Times 6 11 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002.    Springfield, MA
Springfield    MA    Daily Hampshire Gazette 7 31 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    Alleged abuse of minor, hospital
chapliain    Joliet, IL       Joliet    IL    Chicago Tribune 5 1 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002; alleged abuse of boy 9
Worcester    Worcester    MA    Associated Press 6 9 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002; alleged abuse of teenager
Portland, ME     Portland    ME    Portland Press Herald 4 28 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002, alleged abuse of minor
Oklahoma City, OK     Enid    OK    Shawnee, OK News-Star 6 28 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p     faced court-martial. Outcome unknown. 
Navy chaplain    Navy    Navy    USA    Bremerton, WA, The Sun Newspaper 4
25 01     
name    withheld    5    arr    arrested 5/02, abuse of boy    Rockville
Centre, NY     Manorville    NY    Newsday 5 16 00     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    grand jury investigating abuse
allegations    Los Angeles    Los Angeles    CA    LA Daily News 10 31 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002;     Detroit    Detroit
MI    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of boys    Rockville
Centre, NY     Rockville Centre    NY    Newsday 4 23 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse; priest dead    Rockville
Centre, NY     Rockville Centre    NY    USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Chicago      Chicago
IL    USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002; hospital chaplain    Boston
Boston    MA    Boston Globe 2 24 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Orange, CA    Orange
CA    LA Times 4.14.02     
name    withheld    5    adm    removed in 1987     Baltimore    Baltimore
MD    Arch.Dio.of Baltimore website     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Manchester, NH     Woodsville
NH    New Hampshire Union Leader 3 16 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Boston    Boston    MA
Boston Globe 6 27 02
name    withheld    5    res     resigned after alleged abuse of student
Palm Beach, FL     Palm Beach    FL    Boston Globe 8.10.02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002; former police chaplain
Joliet, IL Diocese    Coal City    MO    Daily Southtown, IL 5 20 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 1985.  allegations in victim's
suicide note    Spokane, WA    Spokane    WA    Associated Press 8 27 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations per Bishop.  No longer
priest    Detroit    Detroit    MI    Associated Press 8 28 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Charlotte, NC     Winston-Salem
NC    Winston-Salem Journal 4 22 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    arrrested then dismissed, 224
allegations    San Francisco    San Francisco    CA    SF Chronicle Mar 21
name    withheld    5    all w/p    1992; bishop notified    Baltimore
Baltimore    MD    Arch Dio. Of Baltimore website     
name    withheld    5    res     resigned after allegations    Hartford, CT
Waterbury    CT    Hartford Courant 5 18 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 1993    Bridgeport, CT
Bridgeport    CT    Boston Globe 3 17 02     
name    withheld    5    adm    admitted; resigned    Orange, CA Diocese
Santa Margarita    CA    San Francisco 4 18 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Boston    Lowell    MA    Boston
Globe 4 23 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed. Now retired    Manchester, NH
Manchester    NH    Foster's Daily Democrat 2 15 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse; lawsuits dismissed
Philadelphia    Philadelphia    PA    USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Joliet, IL       Itasca
IL    Chicago Sun Times 5 6 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002. Hospital chaplain
Joliet, IL       Joliet    IL    Chicago Sun Times 5 6 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Manchester, NH     Gorham
NH    Foster's Daily Democrat 2 15 02
name    withheld    5    rem    fled U.S. after allegations of abuse
Chicago      Chicago    IL    USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Boston    Boston    MA    Boston
Globe website; list of priest removed     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    allegations per court transcript
Lafayette, LA     Lafayette    LA    Acadiana, LA.  The Times 4 17 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    alleged abuse    Pittsburgh    Pittsburgh
PA    WPXI-TV Transcript 5 20 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Detroit    Detroit    MI
USA Today 11 11 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 1993 due to allegations
Belleville, IL      Bellevillle    IL    Belleville, IL News Democrat 7 17
name    withheld    5    rem    withdrew from ministry in 1992 after
allegations    Chicago      Chicago    IL    Daily Southtown, IL 6 24 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Boston    Franklin    MA
Boston Arch. Dio. Website     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Cleveland    Cleveland    OH
Cincinnati Enquirer 4 9 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    suicide after allegation    Arlington,
VA    Berryville    VA    Detroit Free Press 5 25 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of teen    Rockville
Centre, NY     Rockville Centre    NY    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed 2002; alleged abuse of girl
Newark, NJ     Newark    NJ    USA Today 11 11 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed; found by police with boy
Lafayette, LA     Opelousas    LA    Acadiana, LA.  The Times 4 23 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 2002    Manchester, NH     Pelham
NH    Union Leader 4 27 02     
name    withheld    5    res     resigned in 1990 after allegations    New
York    New York    NY    NY Times 10 12 99
name    withheld    5    rem    admitted    Portland, ME     Winslow    ME
Blethen Maine Newspapers 4 3 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Rochester, NY      Rochester
NY    Post-Standard Syracuse NY 5.4.02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    committed suicide after allegation
Cleveland    Cleveland    OH    Cleveland Plain Dealer 5.25.02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed 1996, retired 2001    Tuscon, AZ
Nogales    AZ    Tuscon Dio. Website
name    withheld    5    rem    abuse of child    Santa Rosa Diocese
Itasca    CA 6.16.02      
name    withheld    5    rem    convicted 1988, abuse of boy 11    St. Louis
St. Louis    MO    St. Louis Post Dispatch 8.8.02
name    withheld    5    rem    1984; died in 1993    Tuscon, AZ     Tuscon
AZ    Tuscon Dio. Website     
name    withheld    5    rem    April-02    Baltimore    Baltimore    MD
Baltimore ArchDio. Website
name    withheld    5    rem    acted inappropriately    Richmond, VA
Richmond    VA    Virginian Pilot 10.5.02     
name    withheld    5    rem    1997    Tampa FL Diocese    Clearwater
FL    Tampa Tribune 4 22 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    admitted     Boston    Boston    MA
Boston Globe 10 20 02     
name    withheld    5    rem    allegations, former bishop    Springfield IL
Diocese    Springfield    IL    St. Louis Post Dispatch 9 4 02     
name    withheld    5    res     resigned in 1993 after allegations    Santa
Fe, NM     Sante Fe    NM    CBS 60 Minutes 3.02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed in 1998    San Antonio    San
Antonio    TX    Associated Press  6 23 98     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse of boy 12; now retired
Louisville, KY    Louisville    KY    Associated Press  5 22 02     
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse, judge dismissed, charges
too old    New Orleans    Metaire    LA    Gambit Weekly 4 30 02
name    withheld    5    all w/p    alleged abuse.  Not allowed to do priest
duties    Green Bay    Green Bay    WI    Post-Cresent 5 31 01     
name    withheld    5    rem    removed    Dubuque    Dubuque    IA
(Waterloo, Iowa) Courier 8 23 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed. Police reports, allegations
Green Bay    Green Bay    WI    Post-Cresent 5 31 02
name    withheld    5    rem    removed, confession read publicly
Cincinnati    Millville    OH    Cincinnati Enquirer 6 24 01
name    withheld    5    rem    allged abus








Marghera 28 dicembre 2002

Claudio Simeoni
Apprendista Stregone
Guardiano dell'Anticristo

P.le Parmesan, 8

30175 Marghera – Venezia

tel. 041933185
