Bull, heart and life
Pagan Religion, Winter Solstice

The magical and hieratic activity of the Pagan Religion

Claudio Simeoni

Winter Solstice - Hymns


Bull who alert the herd; shall your heart be calm!

Bull, whose strength tends in desire and will; shall your heart be calm!

Roaring bull that shudder in the impelling action; shall your heart be calm!

Bull, whose action changes the state of Heaven and Earth; shall your heart be calm!

Impetuous, inconsiderate, insane, impulsive, incautious, senseless,

rash, scatterbrained, unthinking bull; shall your heart be calm!

Bull, whose horns of the Intent are aimed at the immense unknown; shall your heart be calm!


Web page in Italian and English

In Italiano Il Toro, il cuore e la vita



Index website


Winter Solstice - Hymns


Winter Solstice

The invocations of the Winter Solstice are the invocations of the prisoner.
The prisoner wants to be free. The prisoner wants to take off his chains.
The prisoner wants to face the world outside his cell.
The psychological tension of the prisoner who wants to free himself from the bonds is the religious significance of the Winter Solstice. At that moment the Sun frees itself from bonds. The hours of darkness decrease and the hours of light begin to increase during the day.


Claudio Simeoni's website

Claudio Simeoni


Apprentice Sorcerer

Guardiano dell'Anticristo

Tel. 3277862784

e-mail: claudiosimeoni@libero.it

Wolfgang Joop sculpture; birth of Eros-Fanes



Last formatted December 2021

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